Friday, March 29, 2013

The true meaning of Easter

It's nearly Easter which means, it's nearly time for chocolate especially for the little ones.

But what is the real meaning of this festivity?

In the Christianity tradition Easter symbolizes the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

On Good Friday, which is today, Jesus' fate was sealed. Pilate decided to ask a crowd of people outside whether Jesus should be put to death for making claims about being the son of God. They said he should. The method of his execution was one of the most brutal known to man: death by crucifixion. Christians today often commemorate Good Friday by attending a 'Stations of the Cross' service, where Jesus' last hours on earth are retraced.
Jesus  had been buried in a tomb guarded by an enormous stone so that no one could steal the body. When some women came to visit the grave a couple of days after his death they found that the huge stone had been moved and the tomb was empty. Jesus was seen that day and for several days later, and revisited old friends who realised what had been prophesied had come true - Jesus had indeed risen from the dead. This is the reason why Easter is a very important celebration and it is part of the tradition decorate churches with white lillies, traditional Easter flowers.
Moreover, the Sunday before Easter Sunday is called Palm Sunday. On this day Jesus went to Jerusalem to celebrate the Jewish festival of Passover. Many people gathered on the streets to catch a glimpse of Jesus, waving palm branches as he rode by. Today people remember Palm Sunday by decorating churches with palm branches, and giving palms out to the congregation.
We would like to wish to all our members a very happy Easter and to all who don’t celebrate Easter this weekend a lovely one!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Shopping online: what is it and how does it work?

Photo thanks to Nahl ZC

Internet shopping is now more popular in the UK than any other country in the world, with UK consumers spending an average of £1,083 a year on online purchases.
Three-quarters (74 percent) of UK consumers use the Internet especially for household grocery shopping activity according to a study released last November from Nielsen, a leading global provider of information and insights into what consumers watch and buy.
Internet has created a huge change in the living of people and online shopping it is part of this. It has grown in popularity over the past ten years given to people the possibility to purchase almost anything online.

With online shopping, all you need is a computer and internet connection. Then you can visit the store's website, choose the items you desire and the goods get delivered straight to your home and you usually pay by credit/debit or pay-pal account online.
With shopping online you will always find the best deals with just one click while you drink a cup of tea. You don’t need a car or public transport and you don't need to rush from store to store and no more wasting time in endless queues!

Moreover, Internet never closes. You have the convenience of shopping at any hour because the stores are open 24 hours a day.

Why not use GoGetSale to do your online shopping and you won’t to miss out on our fantastic cash back system and the chance to climb up your tree and earn even more money from the purchases taking place in your network. 

GoGetSale will always have deals for you. 
Our membership is free and gives you the opportunity to make money!
There are no costs or charges!

Join us today and start shopping online! 

We would like to hear from you. Do you shop online? And why?
What kind of products do you buy? 

Monday, March 25, 2013

Interview with GoGetSale CEO: Cem C. Cetiner

Here we are for our second adventurous week.

Last time you have met the fantastic ‘girls’ of our team.

This week we would like to introduce you to Cem C. Cetiner, the CEO of GoGetSale because our company is formed by people who have a dedication and passion for providing the best service to their members.

Every day, with their hard work and efforts, they are trying to build an excellent company, looking to be innovative and ethical.

Cem and his wife 

Sara and Annie: ‘We are going to start with a hard question: Are you having fun?’

Cem: ‘Fun is a relative term. Most people would think that this is actually very hard to do but in reality I’m having the most fun I have had in any prior work I did.  This challenge allows me and my team to use all of our creativity, interactivity and to try all the crazy ideas normally we would be scared to. (What was your question...Oh I remember)
The answer is yes.  I’m having fun’.

S. & A.: ‘Tell us about yourself?’

C.: ‘I’ve been married for 30 years (to the same woman) and I have two beautiful daughters.  Five years ago I rode my motorcycle across USA which was my last desperate attempt at saving my youth. Right now I would never think of doing it again. Let alone doing it!
I have enjoyed travelling to over 40 countries for work exploring different cultures, meeting new people and discovering new places.
I have been exposed to computers (definitely not Apple) since 1977 and I have seen the growth of the computer industry from keypunch cards to voice activated smartphones’.

S. & A.: ‘What is your personal work ethic, and how does this affect the company culture?’

C.: Benjamin Franklin once said ‘Honesty is the best policy; therefore, ’honesty, transparency and ethical conduct are the foundations upon which we are going to expand our company.

GoGetSale is a community and I am trying to reflect these ideals in our company.

We went to great trouble to insure that our website is transparent with our intentions and informs our members in clear terms our responsibilities and our expectations from them.  This is the core of our business model.

S. & A.: ‘How do you think shopping buying behavior has changed in recent years and how does GoGetSale position itself?’

C.: ‘Recently I have read an article on an online magazine and did you know that online shopping is now more popular in the UK than in any other country in the world, with UK consumers spending an average of £1,083 a year online?

I believe that shopping has become a social activity where people are sharing the bargaings they find on various social media platforms and GoGetsale is perfectly positioned itself to capitalize on this social media revolution and interconnectivity.
At a time where people are under increasing financial pressure, GoGetSale offers everyone the chance to earn cashback on the purchases they make, and provides an unique opportunity to earn additional money by inviting friends to join, shop and save money as well’.

S. & A.: ‘What are your top three expectations from GoGetSale?’

C.: ‘First of all I want our members to think of GoGetSale as their community and interact with us and each other and share their successes and problems.

Secondly, I would like to be able to negotiate with merchants better prices for the products our members want to buy, therefore, saving our members more money.

And then I want GoGetSale to be socially responsible by planting trees, reducing our corporate carbon foot print, encouraging public transport, recycling whenever we can and supporting those social programs in line with our vision.

We love and care for the environment and know that we need to help protect what we have for a better future’.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

GoGetSale Social Media and Marketing team

Today it is a very important day here at GotGetSale as we're very excited to announce the launch of our blog. That day has finally arrived and our blog is here! Hooray!
We would like to introduce to you our Social Media and Marketing team because what would our company be without its most important assets, the team. Here they are in all their glory.
Annie Umair
Annie is our Sales and Marketing Executive.  She is a freak of nature that can eat anything she likes but stays size zero regardless. Obviously she takes advantage of that enormously, enjoying up to 5 meals a day with all three courses especially the scrumptious desserts. Her favorite is Chocolate Fudge Cake. Yes, you guessed it right, eating is her favorite hobby.
Apart from that, she also likes looking after herself and her beauty therapy treatments could take up to an hour. You would be able to tell when you see her.

Workwise, her passion is marketing and she enjoys all aspects of it, especially planning and implementation. She is thorough, methodical and articulate with an eye for detail.

Sara Laccone 
Sara is our Social Media expert. If you can’t find her, you can go on Facebook or Twitter and you will find her always online. She is not a big fan of long hair and she said that she is crazy about London, crazy about life and crazy about social media. 
She is also a TV series addicted: when she is not online blogging, posting and tweeting she likes watching Mad Man, Grey’s Anatomy or doing some research for her PhD. She is working on a thesis about semiotic of controversial advertisements in UK.
We’re really excited! This is the product of months of work by our team, and we want to thank them for their hard work and thank you all our members who have patiently waited for this day.
We can’t wait to start posting! Thanks so much!
One advice: if you don’t want to disappoint Sara and Annie like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. They will be crazy about that!

If you are not a member yet, join us today for free and start shopping earning real cash back!